Sunday, February 26, 2006

Baby Dedication...

Yesterday I had the privilege to dedicate Devan Karina Storm Narbey, the third child of my cousin Natalia and her partner Nick.

It's a special blessing to use your powers for good!

Congrats, Nick and Natalia!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Pleasant evening

The food was good...

The atmosphere was friendly...

We welcomed Amy onto the pastoral team...

A good time was had by all...

Thank you Opawa Baptist Church for a pleasant evening. Thank you for a great year and I'm so looking forward to the coming year, a year of Growing, Blessing and Birthing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I thought everyone knew?

Two giants in the music industry, I asked if anyone knew their names on Sunday Night at Digestion.

The first is know as "The Chairman of the Board"

The Second was "The Man in Black" (Not 'Men' Dave...)

Take a guess if you weren't there on Sunday evening.

Who are these men?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bono's Speech at the Prayer Breakfast

As promised at Digestion tonight, the website where you can hear the full speech from the 54th Prayer Breakfast


Sunday, February 12, 2006

You Shall Not Pass...

I'm feel quite depressed at the moment because I've spent the last four weeks with a massive amount of back pain and all manner of things have come up which have just crushed my motivation and spirit. I can't train at the gym or any pre-season rugby training, there's no motivation to go out anywhere because I can't sit down for more than a couple of minutes before I need to get up and stretch myt back.

Generally there's just a big "poor Me" around me and I'm not sure what's worse, the back pain, or the depression associated with it.

It's a lot easier to feel sorry for myself, feel frustrated, un-motivated and get grumpy over everything then to stand and fight.

There's a scene in "The Fellowship of the Ring" where Gandalf confronts the Balrog on the bridge in Moria.

His words "You Shall Not Pass!!!" become a mantra in situations like this but It's a lot easier to let myself feel depressed and beaten by a bad back, then to stand up and declair "You Shall Not Pass!"

God, be my strength and my shield through this. Cry out for me "You Shall Not Pass!" and protect me from the lies of the enemy who seeks to destroy hope and motivation.

Be my healer.


May the force be with me...

Tomorrow night I begin my Film School class, looking forward to it, but not having to sit in one place for too long...

So goodnight all and have a good sweaty nights sleep!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

You Decide...

Just wondering, as a Star Wars fan, can I laugh at this???

You be the judge...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


As we have all heard recently, there is a certain cowardly minority in our community who believe they have the right through their scare tactics to dictate the extent of the freedom New Zealanders have in what they say and print!

"This should not be!"

There is a saying which goes: "I may not believe in what you are saying, but I'll die for your right to say it!" I believe in the freedom of the press, it is this freedom which keeps tyrants and un-just dictators from controlling what we see and here, and it is this freedom which is a critical part of this country I love.

I believe the Majority of followers of Islam are peaceful, honorable members of society and it is a shame that their image is shamed by some who want to toss their toys out of the cot whenever someone says something they are not happy with. If everyone did this, nothing would get printed.

Remember this:

Yes, that is a Condom protecting the Virgin Mary. This very same exhibit was on display in Te Papa, our national Museum to the horror and disgust of many faithful Catholics. Was it removed? No. Was the Catholic Church apologized to from all those concerned? No. Did the Catholic Church burn down Te Papa and threaten anyone else who considered displaying it? No.


I guess the greatest thing about having double standards is at least you have a choice!

Think I'll have a Danish Pastry now or something.