Sunday, February 12, 2006

You Shall Not Pass...

I'm feel quite depressed at the moment because I've spent the last four weeks with a massive amount of back pain and all manner of things have come up which have just crushed my motivation and spirit. I can't train at the gym or any pre-season rugby training, there's no motivation to go out anywhere because I can't sit down for more than a couple of minutes before I need to get up and stretch myt back.

Generally there's just a big "poor Me" around me and I'm not sure what's worse, the back pain, or the depression associated with it.

It's a lot easier to feel sorry for myself, feel frustrated, un-motivated and get grumpy over everything then to stand and fight.

There's a scene in "The Fellowship of the Ring" where Gandalf confronts the Balrog on the bridge in Moria.

His words "You Shall Not Pass!!!" become a mantra in situations like this but It's a lot easier to let myself feel depressed and beaten by a bad back, then to stand up and declair "You Shall Not Pass!"

God, be my strength and my shield through this. Cry out for me "You Shall Not Pass!" and protect me from the lies of the enemy who seeks to destroy hope and motivation.

Be my healer.



Blogger amy said...

Praying that God will heal your back.

Hang in there...

10:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Jase, (Dave Milar)I am sorry to hear your back is giving you greif. I believe that God would want that healed. so take any and every oportunity to get that prayed for aye...

anyhows I would like to catch up with you sometime... you wanna grab a coffee to go, and go for a walk in hagley park? how are you for driving currently?

9:51 am  

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