Friday, September 09, 2005


Our evening services here at Opawa are a highlight for me. Like blogging, they are an opportunity to hear a greater voice of God than the 'lone preacher'. In the book "Church Next" Gibbs and Coffey write:

"According to analysis, [research shows] church professionals represent 2% of church membership, and a further 18% consist sof the 'Church Laity', who are needed to assist in running the church ministries. If this is so, what about the remaining 80% 'worldly laity'? [This researcher] argues that the task of the 20% should be to provide resources for the 80% for their ministry in the world."

how exciting to see more of the 'Church Laity' (i.e. not the Ministry team) having a voice in Digestion. This week Aaron Stewart and Steve Jaeger will be sharing, followed by Anne McMahon, Sylvia Koppes and Summer Stewart next week.

I believe God speaks to His church through the voices of all His people, from the centre to the margins. God's Spirit lives in us and through us to see his purposes done and the more we can motivate and empower His 'body' to act out the gifts He has placed within us, the greater the picture of God's kingdom we will share on our Journeys.

Go hard Aa and Steve, looking forwart to Sunday Night!


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