Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Time to grow Jas...

I have in the past been prone to jump into new and exciting things, making big decisions on the spot without going through the right processes.

In 2001, I had this really cool idea to open a drop in centre/soup kitchen on Friday Nights at my old church, (CNLC). We were looking to feed some of the people who lives on the streets, the prostitutes, glue sniffers and street kids.

It was a great Idea, and I got lots of support so I charged straight in, mentioning it to the Administrator, Anne Morrow (in charge of Pastoral care) my youth Pastor and the Senior Pastor.

I thought they had given me the Green light!

I was wrong.

The opening night we fed 50 people with a 2 course meal.

the next week the youth Pastor took me out to Coffee. He wanted to explain to me that Leo, the Snr Pastor had no idea we were going ahead with the project!!! He was not happy!!!

So you see, sometimes I just get a rush of blood to the head with an exciting idea and don't stop to consider the correct process. (Like getting the Snr Pastor's rubber stamp.)

(We ended up running for another 6-7 months, feeding hundreds of people in the process and sharing our passionate love for Jesus with many of the "Untouchables.")

I'm glad God has allowed me to grow through this.

Sometimes there needs to be a thorough process in order to collect as much information as possible and to gauge the feeling of all those concerned in order to make sure that the church isn't run by the whims of the leadership, but by the Spirit speaking through the whole body.

I am appreciating this more and more, and I pray God will continue to teach me good discernment skills.


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