Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Art Church?

Saw an old friend at the supermarket on Sunday. We got to talking and in a passing comment he referred to our church as "The Art Church" in such a way as to reduce our contribution to the Ecclesiastical gene pool of Christchurch only to Art. He himself comes from a large Charismatic church, describing it as a "Third Wave" church, not Pentecostal, but "Third Wave."

Apparently a "New Wave" of God was supposed to have hit Christchurch recently and they were riding this.

I wonder if that's what others see us as? The "Art Church" would it be so bad to be associated with art? He was very quick to point out that one of his esteemed leaders was moving in signs and wonders, and that was their focus as a ministry and asked if we saw many healings or signs of deliverance?

I thank God for the miraculous and deliverance that may have taken place at his church, I feel no inkling at all that I needed to compete or boast of the things God is doing here at Opawa.

I still came away from the meeting with a sense of disappointment.

Not too sure why?

"Never mud wrestle with a pig. In the end you're both covered in mud but only the pig enjoys it..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just working on the sermon for tonight - this conversation perhaps has echoes of john 4:1-2
Jesus realized that the Pharisees were keeping count of the baptisms that he and John were preforming. They has posted the score that Jesus was ahead, turning him and John into rivals .... So Jesus left (message translation).

steve taylor is out of here

3:43 pm  

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